If the Administrator has activated Private Messages, registered members can send each other private messages (also known as PM).
Sending Private Messages
Private Messages work almost like emails, but they are limited to the members of the forums. You can also use BBCode, smilies and add images to your messages.
To send a new private message, you must click the "New PM" button in the private messages section of your control panel or the
button in any of a member's posts.
When writing a new message, you can choose to keep/store a copy of it in your Outbox folder.
Private Messages Folders
Usually, you have two folders for your private messages: the Inbox and the Outbox.
Your Inbox folder contains all the new messages you receive, you can then read them and view which user sent it.
Your Outbox folder contains a copy of all the messages you sent and in which you selected to keep a copy.
You can create new folders for your private messages using the "Create Folder" box.
In all the folders, you have the ability to select messages in order to move them to another folder or delete them.
You must regularly delete old messages because the Administrator has probably set a limit to the number of private messages you may have in all your folders. If you pass the number of allowed private messages, you will not be able to receive any new messages until you delete a few old messages. In your folder overview, you will find an estimate of how much space you are using.
When reading a message, you will have the option to reply to the message or to forward it to one or multiple other members.
PM Tracking
When sending a new private message, you can select to track this message. This option will allow you to check whether or not the recipient has read your message.
The tracking page is seperated in two parts: unread messages and read messages.
The Unread Messages part displays the messages you decided to track and that have not yet been read by the recipient. Unread messages can be cancelled at any time if, for example, you think the content of the message is not relevant anymore.
The Read Messages part displays the messages you decided to track and that have already been read by the recipient. In addition, the date and time at which the message was read will be indicated.
You can also choose to stop tracking any message.