[B]Text[/B] |
With this code, you can make the text be bold.
The code [B]Text[/B] becomes Text
[I]Text[/I] |
With this code, you can make the text be italic.
The code [I]Text[/I] becomes Text
[EMAIL]name@email.com[/EMAIL] |
With this code, you can turn an email address into a link.
The code [EMAIL]name@email.com[/EMAIL] becomes name@email.com
[EMAIL=name@email.com]Name[/EMAIL] |
With this code, you can turn an email address into a link. (However, you can define the name of the link yourself.)
The code [EMAIL=name@email.com]Name[/EMAIL] becomes Name
[SIZE=3]Text[/SIZE] |
With this code, you can change the size of the text.
The code [SIZE=3]Text[/SIZE] becomes Text
[QUOTE]This text is quoted.[/QUOTE] |
With this code, you can insert quoted text.
The code [QUOTE]This text is quoted.[/QUOTE] becomes
[U]Text[/U] |
With this code, you can make the text be underlined.
The code [U]Text[/U] becomes Text
[COLOR=#0000FF]Text[/COLOR] |
With this code, you can change the color of the text.
The code [COLOR=#0000FF]Text[/COLOR] becomes Text
With this code, you can change the font of the text.
The code [FONT=ARIAL]Text[/FONT] becomes Text
[CENTER]Centered Text[/CENTER] |
With this code, you can make the text be centered.
The code [CENTER]Centered Text[/CENTER] becomes Centered Text
[ALIGN=right]Aligned Text[/ALIGN] |
With this code, you can change the alignement of the text, images, etc. The possible options are "right", "left", "center" and "justify".
The code [ALIGN=right]Aligned Text[/ALIGN] becomes Aligned Text
[IMG]images/email.gif[/IMG] |
With this code, you can insert an image.
The code [IMG]images/email.gif[/IMG] becomes 
[URL]http://www.woltlab.de[/URL] |
With this code, you can turn a URL into a link.
The code [URL]http://www.woltlab.de[/URL] becomes http://www.woltlab.de
[URL=http://www.woltlab.de]WoltLab[/URL] |
With this code, you can turn a URL into a link. (However, you can define the name of the link yourself.)
The code [URL=http://www.woltlab.de]WoltLab[/URL] becomes WoltLab
[PHP]Syntax[/PHP] |
With this code, you can insert syntax-highlighted PHP code.
The code [PHP]Syntax[/PHP] becomes
php: |
< ? php
echo "Syntax";
? >
[CODE]Syntax[/CODE] |
With this code, you can insert codes (like html).
The code [CODE]Syntax[/CODE] becomes
[LIST]List[/LIST] |
With this code, you can insert a list which can contain multiple items.
The code
[*]Item 1
[*]Item 2
[*]Item 3